About Avicenna Roboflex
Avicenna Roboflex provides protection for endoscope, precision for the stone treatment, ergonomics for the surgeon. Innovative robotic solution for flexible ureteroscopy. The Avicenna Roboflex remotely controls all the functions of any flexible ureteroscopy such as rotation, deflection, insertion and retraction.
The Avicenna Roboflex prevents surgeon fatigue while they manipulate the ureteroscopy in a sitting position, outside the radiation field. The laser fiber can be moved into proper position remotely, from the console touch screen. Software prevents firing of the laser unless it is properly outside of the ureteroscopy. This function protects the scope from laser damage and prologns the life of the scope. The irrigation flow is also adjusted from the touch screen, including the ability to reform low-pressure flushing. The tip of any flexible ureteroscopy can be accurately positioned due to precise rotation and deflection. In addition, the scope can be fixed in position, allowing continuous access to target.
INTRODUCING Avicenna Roboflex

Ergonomic Sitting
The procedures can be performed from an ergonomic sitting position, without wearing a lead apron and outside of radiation area thus eliminating fatigue.
3D Simulation
Easy orientation with 3D simulation, less fluoroscopy uses and better concentration.
Joystick Control
All functions (forward – backward, rotation, deflection) of flexible ureteroscopy can be controlled by the touch screen & joy sticks.
Interchangeable Holders
The interchangeable holders enable to use all brands and models of flexible ureteroscope available in the market.
Pneumatic Foot Pedal
The state-of-art pneumatic foot pedal is used either to fire the laser device or making scopy with the X-ray unit.